Air Filters To You is excited to announce that we have commenced operations in the Greater Phoenix Metropolitan and surrounding areas. Can you think of anything more exciting than no longer having to deal with remembering when you’re supposed to change your HVAC filter, and the added bonus of having them delivered to your door, saving you a trip to the big box store? Yeah, so can we. Actually we can think of many things more exciting than that. But, that doesn’t change the fact that you just saved yourself some time, and money, by signing up. I know there are some of you saying, “Hey, I don’t live in the Greater Phoenix Metro, and surrounding areas. When am I going to get the chance to sign up?” That’s a good question, and lucky for you we are planning on future expansion. We didn’t start this by saying, “Look out world, here we come!” for nothing. We will be announcing when we open new areas. In fact, drop us a line with your zip code and you’ll be the first to know when it’s your turn to sign up.